PDE Release Notes

Thank you for your interest in the Playpower Development Environment. This was created for the Playpower Foundation. This Distro is 100% free. If you have paid anything for this, demand a refund immeditally.

As this is an early release, there are some things that will change. Please be sure to check playpower.org for the latest version.

Currently, the Playpower Development Environment, or PDE, is at version 0.3. This is a beta release, and as such not everything is working as it should. A list of known issues is below:

* Famitracker will crash on close
* all win32/dos apps are not showing on desktop as default. these apps can be found in /etc/skel.
* all win32/dos apps must be added to Q4WINE before they will launch
* PDE is defaulting to XFCE layout, not xubuntu 10.10 layout.
* LiveCD is not working as intended (workaround is to install instead)

The list of included programs (except for bundled ubuntu/xubuntu apps) is below.

Linux Apps:
ghexedit, nestra , fceux , q4wine, grafx2, gimp, inkscape , python, sdlbasic, kicad , arduino, dosbox

win32/dos apps
yy-chr, famitracker, asm6, GBTK, GBMD, GBDK

The roadmap is currently:

Short-term goals:

* Streamline access to win32/dos apps
* custom theme (make it look like playpower.org)
* technical resources bundled (may push size to DVD levels)
* Add more app’s (Nesicide, cc65, nesi65, etc)

Long-term goals

* slim down size
* Gnome and KDE versions
* Integration to Playpower.org

Icing goals

* “Welcome to PDE” intro video showing features of OS
* Tutorial’s especially written for PDE, bundled on disc of course
* USB launcher
* custom boot image